About me

2011 - 2012 
LLM School of Law - University of Edinburgh:
International Criminal Law; Media and Crime (media's representation of crime and its impact on the society); Intellectual Property (Copyright and Related Rights), Data Protection.

Dissertation project: 'law and film' academic field.

Film Studies Evening classes - University of Edinburgh:
Introduction to Film Studies
The Sound of Film

January - June 2010
Internship at Reporters Without Borders - Assistance Desk: legal and humanitarian support to journalists and media in danger. 

September - December 2009
Internship at GISTI (Groupe d'Information et de Soutien aux Immigrés): French organisation that aims at supporting foreigners' rights and participating to the public debate on migration policies.

2008 - 2009
Master 2 Research in International Law and International Organisations at the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne: specialisation in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law.
Dissertation topic: "Hate Media and International Law": State's responsibility and individual criminal responsibility for media's behaviour during armed conflicts or internal crisis (media that encourage intolerance, racial hatred, violence, or murder).

2007 - 2008
Master 1 European and International Law at the University of Picardie Jules Verne: Private and Public International Law, European Human Rights System, Laws of War (jus ad bellum/jus in bello), International Economic Law.


  1. Je suis impressionné. bmb

  2. Ingrid Metton23/03/2012, 17:59

    Trop fière !!!!

  3. Nous attendons ton article suivant avec impatience !


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Ce(tte) oeuvre de Blog - Between Law and Film est mise à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 3.0 non transposé.